Located in Mahanoy City, PA , the Inland Port of Pennsylvania (IPP) is strategically positioned and complements existing port facilities in Eastern Pennsylvania and along Eastern Seaboard. Our site in Eastern Pennsylvania is not constrained by neighboring land uses, is cost effective, and is a logistically desirable location. With onsite rail, easy access to our own Interstate 81 interchange and minutes from Interstate 80, your supply chain will have access to 40% of the U.S. and 50% of the Canadian populations within a day’s drive time.
Site Facts:
• Mahanoy City, PA
• 500+ acres
• Access to additional 6,500+ acres
• Onsite Rail
• Access to our own interchange to I-81 (North/South)
• Minutes from I-80 (East/West)
• Access to 40% of U.S. and 50% of Canadian populations
• Located near one of the densest area in the U.S. for warehousing